Tuesday 8 February 2011

More Drawings...

More drawings created from the still life installation...We changed it around after a few more drawings for a different look...

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Visual Inspiration...

As we will be creating interior pieces for our client, we need to create a range of motifs and compositions to use...Therefore this week we created installations in specialism and client groups using the flowers we made over the holidays as well as our dolls and other props to reflect Maggie...This installation provides us with our own source of visual inspiration to draw from and generate designs, etc...

Here is our installation...

Using a range of drawing mediums and exercises...Here is the start of my drawing work...

Also decided to experiment with 'Flower Printing' using ink and a real rose...

Technical File...

Along with everything else...also need to create a 'Stitch Technical File'...this is developing and showing your
sewing machine skills and knowledge aswell as reflecting and experimenting with colour through stitch within a fabric book...This file will include many exercises such as 'what is the different look a colour thread will take on with a black bobbin colour and a white one'...All this will help when I start to use stitch within my project for my client...

This is the start of mine...

Colour Palette Decisions...

As this project is also a colour project...I need to decide on a colour palette for Maggie...We did a colour exercise with a floral image to look at matching colours,creating names, etc...

I used this exercise to experiment with colours for Maggie...using my moodboard I created view finders and selected certain parts that 'sumed-up' Maggie to then match colours using magazine pages..etc...

From these exercises, I came up with this (image below) as my first colour palette, however I want to expand and alter this so its exactly right...

Now into specialisms...Gardeners World...

I have picked to do Embroidery as my specialism...so from now on il be working within this group...
Our new project is titled 'Gardeners World' and is all about working for a client and learning to create interior projects for someone elses tastes rather than your own...we were given 4 customer profiles and had to choose our client for this body of work...

MAGGIE...is my client...I can see us becoming good friends! :)

This is her profile...and from this only I will be creating and designing for her...

From this our first task was to research 'Maggie' and create a mood board to reflect her...

Couple of sketchbook pages with Maggie related images...