Friday 17 December 2010

My Final Boards...

Using a chosen selection of different pieces of work from this module, we had to display them on portfolio boards, taking into considertion a number of things...These included colour, formatt, layout, composition, style, texture, margins, and so on...
These boards will be a display of our 'final' and  'best' peices to be handed in along with sketchbook and everything else before the deadline...end of first uni term!

Monday 6 December 2010

Artist Inspiration...

Textile Artist, Anne Honeyman uses many sources of inspiration within her work but mainly nature...I found she has also used Butterflies as a source...

She has given me the inspiration to create more 3D work so this is an image of my first experiment...created by cutting butterflies out of different kinds of paper and then stitching them in a cluster onto voile...

There will be more to come using this idea...Im excited to carry on expanding my experiments...

More Embellisher Peices...

I have mainly focused on the butterfly starts of its life in muted colour tones but grows into bold, beautiful ones...

These images show the back and front of each peice...

A few experiments with the shape of butterfly wings...

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Illustrated Embroidery...

Butterfly Wing...This is my first experiment doing an illustrated embroidery piece of a butterfly wing using organza as a background with threads and fibres stitched in...